A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Abbreviations


aback adv.


at the back of; behind


< OE. on bæc (backwards, behind,)

ablings adv.


possibly; perhaps: also ablins, aiblins


< OF. hable, able (handy, easy to be held) + OE. adverbial suffix lin(g)s

ablins adv.


See ablings



aboon adv.


above; in excess of; upstairs


< OE. ābūfan (above)

aboot adv.




< OE. ābūtan (about, nearly)

abreed v.


to spread out


< OE. ābrǣdan   (to stretch out to spread out)

acker n.   acre   < ON. akr (field, corn-field)

acrun n.




< OE. æcern (nut, acorn)

addle v.


to earn


< ON. öð la (to acquire property)

addled a.


bad, rotten, intoxicated


< OE. adela ( dirt, filth, mud)

addlins n. pl.


See adlings



adlings n. pl.


earnings; wages


< ON. öðla (to acquire property)

adoot conj.


except; unless; without


??? < OE. æt (with) + ut (out)

afeared ppl.a.


afraid; frightened; also feared


< OE. āfǣred (afraid, frightened)

aflaid ppl.a.


See afleyed



afleyed ppl.a.


afraid; dismayed, frightened: also flaid, flait, flayed


< OE. āflíeȝed ( put to flight, expelled, driven away)

afore adv. prep. & conj.




< OE. on-foran (in front, in advance)

agane prep.




< OE. ongēan (against, towards, opposite to)

agate adv.


going; on the way; started; occupied with


< OE. prefix a- (on) + ON. gata (street, way)

agee adv.


askew; crooked; awry; on or to one side; uneven; cf. aglee


< gee (a call to a horse to move right)

aglee adv.


askew; awry; crooked; cf. agee


< ME.glēȝen ( to be squint-eyed, look asquint) ??? f. ON.

ahint adv. & prep.



< OE. æt-hindan ( after, at the back, behind)

aiblins adv.

See ablings


aigre a.



< OF. aigre (sharp, sour)

aik n.

an oak


< ME. ake f. OE. ac

ailment n.

a disease; a sickness; an illness


< OE. lan (t o trouble, to plague, to pain, to afflict) + OF. noun forming suffix -ment

airt n.

a point of the compass; a direction; a quarter; a locality; a region


??? < Ir. aird ( compass point, direction , quarter)

ajee adv

See aglee


alakar n

See alicker


alegar n

See alicker


alicker n.

vinegar; see also alliker, alakar, alegar, allikar, elliker, elicker


< OE. alu ( ale) + OF aigre (sour)

alley-strap n.

strap employed by overlooker in days gone by to discipline workers in the woollen mills of the West Riding as he strode along the spaces (or alleys) between the looms.


< OF. alee (a passage, a walk) + OE. strop

alley-taw n.

marble used in children's game, made of marble, pot or glass, but not metal


??? < diminutive form of alabaster (orig of taw uncertain)

allikar n.

See alicker


alliker n

See alicker



allowance n

a packed lunch (see see also ’ lowance)


< OF. alouance , f. alouer (to bestow, assign)

alsh n.

See halsh



amaist adv.



< OE. a + mǣst (mostly)

amang adv. & prep.



< OE on (in) ȝemang (crowd, multitude, assembly)

amell adv. & prep.

between, amid, among

< ON. á milli, á millum (amid)

an’ conj.

and; also en’

< OE . and , ond

ananters adv. & conj.

See anaunter

ananthers adv. & conj

See anaunter

anaunter adv. & conj.

lest; in case; in the event that (see also ananters anaunter, ananthers, anthers)

< OE. an (on) + OF. auenture (adventure)

anauntrins adv.

in case of; in the event of'; See also anaunter )

< anaunter + ings

ane a. & n.

one; also yan, yah, yar, un

< ME . ane f. OE. an

anenst adv. &. prep.

See anent

anent adv. &. prep.

in front of; side by side; opposite; towards; in reference to; also anenst, nenst,

< OE. on efen, on efn, on emn (on even [ground] with, on a level with)

angallas n.

See hang-gallows

anger-nail n.

a hang-nail (see also nang-nail )

< OE. hangian & ON. hanga + OE nægel

anthers adv. & conj.

(see anaunter )


anyroad adv. & conj.

anyway; however; see also onnyrooad

< OE. ǣniȝ + rād

apiece adv.


< OE. an (one) + AN. peece, pees , peice a portion [of space or time])


See happings

argie n. & v.

an argument; a debate; to argue

< OF. arguer

ark chest n.

a domestic flour container

< OE. arc, ærc (chest, box) + cest (chest, box)

arles n. pl.

money given in confirmation of a bargain, e.g. an advance of wages

< OF.*erle, *arle

arran n.

a spider; a spider’s web (see also arrin)

< OF. araigne

arran-web n.

a spider’s web

< OF. araigne + OE. web(b)

arrered ppl.a.

beaten; scarred; scratched

< OE . herȝode (harried, captured)

arridge n.

an edge, a ridge; a protrusion on the front of a horseshoe to avert skidding or slipping (see also arrish)

< OF. areste (edge)

arrin n.

See arran


arrish n.

a field of stubble following harvest

Orig. obscure. cf. OE. edisc (park, enclosed pasture)

arse-band n.

a strap passed around rear of horse when hauling a cart

< ON. ars + band

arse-end n.

the tail-end of something

< ON. ars + OE. ende

arse-pocket n.

a back pocket

< ON. ars + AN. poket, pokete (little bag)

article n.

a reference to a person made in a contemptuous manner

< AN. articl, artikel, artickelI f. L, articulus (dim. of artus [joint])

arval bread n.

type of cake made for eating at a funeral

< ON. erfi (inheritance) + öl (ale) i.e. a banquet + OE brēad

ash stang n.

a pole made of ash-wood; see also esh teng

< OE. æsc + ON. stong (pole)

ash-nook n.

See assnook


ask n.

a newt; a lizard; see also asker

< OE. āþexe (newt)

asker n.

See ask

askings n. pl.

marriage banns (see also axins , spurrins)

< OE. āscian

askins n. pl.

See askings

aslew adv & prep.

not straight

Orig. unknown

ass n.

an ash tree

< OE. æsc cognate with ON. askr

ass v.

to ask

< OE. āscian

assenook n.

See assnook

assle-tooth n.

See axle-tooth


assnook n.

the pace below fire grate where ashes collect; an ash pan; a chimney corner

< ON. aska + ME. nok ??? f. ON.

astead adv. phr.


< OE. a + stede (locality, place)

at after adv. & prep.

afterwards; after ; see also at-efter, efter

< OE æt æfter

at efter adv. & prep.

See at after

atop adv. & prep.

on top

< OE a + top

attercop n.

a spider

< OE. ātor , attor, (poison) + coppa (f..cop round head)

atwixt adv. & prep.


< ME atwix, atwixt

aud a.

See auld

aud-farrant a.


< OE. ald (old) + faran (be, exist)

aught pron. & adv.

anything; see also owt

< OE. ā (ever)+ wiht ( creature, being , thing)

auld a.

old; see also aud, oard

< ME. auld f. OE. ald

aum n.

an elm-tree

??? < ON.   álmr

aumery n.

a pantry, a cupboard,

< OF. armarie, almarie f. L. arma rium (closet, chest)

awd a.

See auld

awkerd a. & adv..


< ON. afug , öfug , öfig ( turned the wrong way) + OE. suffix -weard, signifying ‘having a specified direction’.

awm n.

See aum

awm v.

See hawm

awther pron. a. adv. & conj.

each, either,

< OE . auðer , awðer

ax v.

to ask

< OE. āscian

axenn. pl.


< OE. axe

axins n. pl.

See askings


axle-tooth n.

a molar, a grinding tooth; see also assle-tooth

< QN jaxl (molar)

axt ppl.a.


< OE. āscian

aye adv.

always, ever

< ON. ei, ey, (ever)

ayont prep.

beyond, on the other side

< OE. a + ȝeond